Building Sustainable Corporation: Importance of “Value” dynamics

Corporations are the DNA of modern economic life and their unparallel success in transforming earth’s resources into wealth has shaped the physical and social world we live today. However, problems arise when corporations through their behavior causes upheavals in global economy, society and environment.
We observe time and again that despite the legislative measures, an increasing numbers of corporations and their leaders demonstrated disdain on issues related to society and environment. I saw a documentary film namely "The Corporation" recently that depicts the ever increasing influence of corporation in our lives and society.

The documentary increasingly emphasizes the need for “corporate sustainability” effort, a buzz word that often lost in corporate mandates than proactive approach to address the issue. Perhaps, much of these confusions are to do with complex definition of sustainability.
The bottom-line, that is to remove further confusion, as much as society needs corporation so do the corporations need prosperous and healthy society. A prosperous and healthy society may not exist without consideration on the "living system" that innately connects us "our common Biosphere". So get it, "Pareto Efficiency" Walrasian model of economics are about to become obsolete if not already.
Today, sustainability approach is the key to corporate survival end of the day. And, how can you achieve such sustainability without integrating values and institutions?
My contention, therefore, in line with the very essence of capability building strategy, is the integration values in the integrative approach of sustainability. It is a notion of developing creative and proactive competence that is bottom-up rather than complaince and reactive. Interested, please view my theoretical underpinning on OCBS (Organizational Citizenship Behavior towards sustainability) at . The paper will be presented at GIN 2010 conference at Seoul, Korea. Visit their website at .
The proposed OCBS model builds capability of a corporation from within. I am currently looking for interested corporations to participate in my research. So, if you find the proposal worth giving a shot, please contact me.
